Onafriq Insights And Articles


Over 320 million mobile money wallets

March 2021 marked another milestone for MFS Africa as we reached over 320 million...
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Tech talk: Changing markets

It's one thing to talk about making borders matter less when it comes to financial...
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Making borders matter less.

Why should where you are, limit what you can do? This was the question that kept...
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Scaling access to new African markets th

A company’s sustainability is linked to its ability to unlock new markets....
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Scaling digital financing with M-KOPA

As a young continent, most Africans are digital natives. Given a mobile phone, many young people across the continent could harness its digital power to provide lucrative services to other consumers or businesses. The missing piece is the liquidity to buy the phone and airtime for transactions. Traditionally underbanked and lacking a credit history,

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Pioneering Card Adoption in Africa's Cash-Dominant Market

When, in 2009, Dare Okoudjou founded Onafriq, he had a vision. He wanted to develop an African financial infrastructure that would last over 100 years.   By 2018 we were well on the...

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Why ESG makes great business sense for African fintech

If you're reading this, there's a very good chance you're already familiar with the acronym ESG. Standing for environmental, social, and governance, it's a constantly evolving standard that emphasises...

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